The article is focused on the meaning encoded in the Latin phrase De Profundis, as
it asks the question what prompts Stanisław Przybyszewski, Stoyan Mihaylovski, and Aleksandar Vutimski to make it a part of their artistic endeavours. The parallel between their texts tries to convey the main similarities and differences, to outline how the phrase (and the meaning it bears) functions in its literary uses. The main argument is that De Profundis provides the authors a semantic network, while signifying as a cultural (originally religious) reference to a certain type of situation. The unfolding of modernistic aesthetics (and attempts to stare into the depts of the soul) serve as a perfect environment for the unravelling of what that type of situation encompasses. The situation accumulates calls for forgiveness, strong tragic sensations, unbearable struggles, unfathomable loneliness.
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