The article focuses on the Bulgarian reception of Polish children’s literature, particularly the works of Janusz Korczak and Ran Bosilek. It examines how Bulgarian translators and literary critics approached these authors from the early 20th century onwards. Korczak’s works became available to Bulgarian readers several decades after their first publication, intriguing the Bulgarian literary community with translations and adaptations of his books. In 2012, a series of events were organized in Bulgaria to highlight his contributions to literature and pedagogy on significant anniversaries related to Korczak. Ran Bosilek, a Bulgarian author, gained recognition for introducing elements into children’s literature that transformed children’s perception of the world into a full-fledged, active participation in culture. In both Bosilek‘s and Korczak’s works, the message is clear that the child’s world is seen as full of value and deserving of serious consideration. The relationship to the child as a fully-fledged participant in culture is evident in the works of both authors, who revolutionized the approach to children’s literature through their books and educational activities. The article emphasizes the significant impact their works have had on Bulgarian culture, inspiring a new perspective on children‘s literature as an important element of education and culture.
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