"Group B". Polish-Bulgarian Cooperation During World War II
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diplomatic relations
“Group B”
Polish-Bulgarian cooperation
World War II

How to Cite

Nacheva, V. (2024). "Group B". Polish-Bulgarian Cooperation During World War II. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 62(1), 83–94. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.880


The article by Violeta Nacheva discusses Polish-Bulgarian cooperation during World War II, specifically focusing on the activities of Group B, which was part of the Polish section within the Bulgarian resistance movement. The author recounts the history of the Polish diaspora in Bulgaria, starting from the pre-war period when Poles were actively involved in Bulgarian social life. After the Nazi invasion of Poland, the Polish community became key participants in the resistance movement in Bulgaria, and Group B was established as a response to the Nazi occupation. The article examines the relationship between the Polish section and the Bulgarian Communist Party, describing their joint activities and challenges faced in their fight against the Nazis. Nacheva emphasizes the importance of international solidarity in the struggle against tyranny and the role of Poles in the resistance, highlighting the difficulties they had to face amid persecution. The author concludes the article by pointing out the significant impact that Group B had on subsequent Polish-Bulgarian relations and on shaping the historical memory of both nations.

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