The translated Works of Tadeusz Konvitsky and the Literature of the NRB – a Chronicle of Recognition and Divergence with the Norms of Bulgarian Socialist Realism
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socialist realism
political novel
normative aesthetics
dissident writers
postmodern writing

How to Cite

Angelova, M. (2024). The translated Works of Tadeusz Konvitsky and the Literature of the NRB – a Chronicle of Recognition and Divergence with the Norms of Bulgarian Socialist Realism. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 62(1), 119–150.


The article analyzes the work of Tadeusz Konwicki, focusing on its reception in Bulgaria during the communist period and after its end. Konwicki, initially regarded as a socialist realist writer, eventually gained a reputation as an innovative author who
influenced a younger generation of Polish writers. During the People’s Republic of
Poland, his works were translated into Bulgarian almost simultaneously with their
Polish premieres, reflecting their popularity and significance. Konwicki’s critical and ironic narrative, which deviated from the norms of socialist realism, became increasingly known in Bulgaria, though his early works were characteristically socialist realist. With political and cultural changes in Bulgaria, interest in his newer works waned due to their distance from socialist realist norms. In later years, works such as „Little Apocalypse” gained international fame and were translated into many languages, but not into Bulgarian. Konwicki was also an active screenwriter and director, showcasing his versatility as an artist. After the political changes in 1989, his works were no longer widely translated into Bulgarian, which may reflect changing literary tastes and political realities. Interest in his person and works in
Bulgaria revived somewhat in the early 21st century due to scholarly analyses and
assessments of his role in literature. Despite his complex relationship with socialist realism, Konwicki remains a figure who has earned recognition for his unique contribution to literature and film, extending beyond the borders of Poland.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maya Angelova


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