In his article, Michał Siedlecki presents a literary portrait of the Balkans in the poetic travel journal At High Noon by Agata Stawska. The researcher notes that by examining the poetic function of the author’s works in this volume, we see that she directs the reader towards such aesthetic impressions that, by confronting their perception with a metaphysical vision of the world, simultaneously allows them to open up to experiences of a cathartic-existential nature. The concept of language in Stawska’s texts somewhat resembles the structure of contemporary experimental works, where the world of poetry and prose interpenetrate. Additionally, Stawska provides a portrait of the semi-mythical religion, culture, and history of the Balkans, with references to the darker aspects of its past. The poetic travel journal At High Noon captivates with its beautiful language, glowing with sophisticated metaphors, comparisons, invocations, symbols, and allegories. It is a book that intrigues with its content and is difficult to ignore.
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Źródła internetowe:
Baczyńska M., Tomik wędrowca [o książce „W samo południe” Agaty Stawskiej], [w:] https://prestoportal.pl/o-ksiazce-w-samo-poludnie-agaty-stawskiej [dostęp: 9.09.2022].
https://nowynapis.eu/tygodnik/nr-142/artykul/w-samo-poludnie [dostęp: 9.09.2022].

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Copyright (c) 2024 Michał Siedlecki