The author is a professor of Slavic studies and a translator of Bulgarian literature. In her article, she deals with the problem of new translations of such Bulgarian texts, which have already been translated into Polish once. So, she tries to get answers to the following questions: 1) Is there a need to prepare new translations of those texts that have already appeared in Polish? 2) What should be the scope of modernizing the language of these texts? She illustrates her considerations with examples taken from her own work. The article contains thoughts that emerged while working on the translation of Anton Strashimirov’s short story Рамадан-бегови сараи. They concern both the need to update vocabulary and modernize syntax, i.e. problems related to the linguistic competences of contemporary readers, as well as changes in their sensitivity to issues of cultural distinctiveness.
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Strashimirov A., Ramadan-begovi sarai, „Nash zhivot. Spisanie za literatura i kritika”, god. 1, kn. 11–12
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Walczak-Mikołajczakowa M., W jedności z Bogiem i Naturą, Poznań 2018.
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