The history of the magazine Poland is outlined against the background of the conditions faced by Polish exiles deported from Austria to the USA in March 1834. After a short period of support from American society, they were left to their own entrepreneurship. Most of them came from the nobility and did not know English, which significantly hindered finding employment. This article focuses on the figures of Paweł Sobolewski and Eustachy Wyszyński – exiles who managed to adapt to the unfamiliar conditions. Their biographies and achievements are brought closer; especially Sobolewski, who gained fame as a poet and the editor and publisher of the first English-language magazine „Poland,” dealing with Polish history and culture. The article details the circumstances of the periodical’s edition and its form and content based on copies preserved in the National Library in Warsaw. The second goal of the article is an attempt to collect Sobolewski’s literary achievements, scattered in American press. As a result of a selective query, over twenty of his works published in contemporary journals were compiled, indicating the titles of publications in which they were included, with the reservation that this list is not complete. A more comprehensive query of contemporary press in the USA may uncover new, previously unknown works of the editor of „Poland” and fill gaps in his biography.
Bibliografia podmiotowa:
„Poland, Historical, Literary, Monumental and Picturesque”, Paul Sobolewski Editor, Published by Sobolewski, E. Wyszynski, New-York 1842, Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie, Sygn. P.20235 Chr.Arch.
utworów P. Sobolewskiego, opublikowanych w latach 1835–1883, Tabela 2 i 3 (w tekście).
Napoleon and His Marshalls, Published by Paul Soboleski, Schaefer & Kenny Printers, Chicago 1869.
Poets and Poetry of Poland, Edited by Paul Soboleski, Knight & Leonard, Printers, Chicago 1881.
John Sobieski, the King of Poland, Conquers the Turks under the walls of Vienna… etc, Chicago 1883, nakład „Gazety Polskiej”.
Bibliografia przedmiotowa:
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Źródła prasowe:
„Chicago Daily Tribune 1881 (10 IX);1880 (30 XI).
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„Kenosha Telegraph” 1850 (17 V); (31 V); (28 VI); (5 VII); (12 VII); (26 VII); (2 VIII); (16 VIII); (23 VIII); (30 VIII); (6 IX); (20 IX); (4 X); (11 X); (25 X); (1 XI); 1850 (29 XI); 1851 (17 I); (24 I); 1852 (20 II); 1866 (22 III).
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„New-York Daily Tribune” 1846 (18 VI); 1846 (18 IV); 1842 (17 IX); 1842 (17 VIII).
„The Belvidere Standard” 1863 (3 III); 1863 (17 II); 1876 (18 IV),
„The Lady’s Amaranth” 1838, Vol. 1, no. 6 (15 IX), s. 132; 1838, Vol. 1, no. 7 (29 IX), s. 156; 1838, Vol. 1, no. 8 (13 X), s. 180; 1838, Vol. 1, no. 11, s. 254; 1839, Vol. 2 no. 1 (5 I), s. 8; 1839, Vol. 2 no. 2 (19 I), s. 46; 1839. Vol. 2 no. 4 (15 II);
„The Lady’s Book” 1839 (II); 1839 (VI), s. 234;
„The Lady’s Garland” 1839, no. 9, s. 220; 1839, no. 10, s. 248; 1840, no.1, s. 18–20;
„Tygodnik Emigracyi Polskiej” Paryż 1835 (8 II); 1835 (30 I); 1835 (16 I); 1835 (9 I); 1834 (30 XI); 1834 (18 XI); 1834 (9 X).
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Date of Death. https://idapubliclibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/S.pdf [dostęp: 12.07.2023].
A Streak of Good Luck. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106384769/paul-sobolewski [dostęp: 12.07.2023].
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