Scholia on the Novel "The Autobiography of Jesus" by Oleg Zobern
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How to Cite

Miljković, N. (2024). Scholia on the Novel "The Autobiography of Jesus" by Oleg Zobern. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 63(2), 301–312.


The aim of the article is to explore the postmodern experiment in the novel The
Autobiography of Jesus by the modern writer Oleg Zobern and to show numerous levels of text organization, such as literary hoax, parody, interpolation of someone else’s text etc., on the basis of which the novel is defined by us as an apocryphal novel. The philological game that the writer offers to the reader forces him to look at the text of the novel through the eyes of an ancient scholiast who knew about the four levels of interpretation of the text: historical, allegorical, tropological and mystical. At the same time the genre of autobiography chosen by the writer makes this novel an egodocument par excellence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nikola Miljković


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