Ocalić od zapomnienia… "Cudowne bajki" Adolfa Dygasińskiego w perspektywie współczesnych studiów nad literaturą dla młodego czytelnika
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fairy tale

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Gierczak, S. K. (2018). Ocalić od zapomnienia… "Cudowne bajki" Adolfa Dygasińskiego w perspektywie współczesnych studiów nad literaturą dla młodego czytelnika. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 40(3), 203–221. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.93


The aim of this article is presentation of multitude and variety imaging ways used by Adolf Dygasinski in "Cudowne bajki" – the composition of nine incredible stories for young reader. The authoress’ reflections
concern fabulous love, fantastic componenets, portraits of animals and childish fear. She persuades it’s important to save "Cudowne bajki" from oblivion because of their educational and pedagogical advantages. Futhermore she suggests inclusion of this composition to Polish education but she also pays attention to necessity of some changes in lexical and graphical aspect. In addition to that she presents fabulous stories in context of chosen contemporary conceptions of interpretation, for example hermeneutics, intertextuality, posthumanism or ethic turn.

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