Islam in the works of Juliusz Słowacki
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Juliusz Słowacki

How to Cite

Nawarecka, L. (2022). Islam in the works of Juliusz Słowacki. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 55(2), 209–219.


The article addresses the issue of Islam in the works of Juliusz Słowacki. The author assumes that the purpose of Orientalism was not only to heighten the sense of mystery hidden in the world, but - above all - to reveal the mystery of the human being, the depths of the human psyche, as well as to justify irrationalism, which was of great importance to Romanticists. She also claims that Słowacki did not translate qasidas but used them as an inspiration for his own poem, which was significantly different from the original. The most significant change introduced by the poet was to make Shanfara a follower of Islam, which led to accusations of anachronism. However, the number of references to the Qur'an and the protagonist's religious dilemmas testify to Słowacki's deliberate decision to change the chronology, placing the protagonist in the Arab world after the birth of the Prophet. Religious consciousness is thus an indicator of the depth of a man endowed with a soul and later, in the period of mysticism, also with a spirit.
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