Жыццё і творчасць Францыска Скарыны ў літаратурнай інтэрпрэтацыі Алега Лойкі (Раман-эсэ Францыск Скарына, або Сонца Маладзіковае)
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literary scholar
artistic interpretation

How to Cite

Alsztyniuk А. (2018). Жыццё і творчасць Францыска Скарыны ў літаратурнай інтэрпрэтацыі Алега Лойкі (Раман-эсэ Францыск Скарына, або Сонца Маладзіковае). Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 39(2), 9–30. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.107


The article analyzes Oleg Łojko’s novel-essay 'Francysk Skaryna, abo Sonca Maladzikowaje'. A special attention is paid to the way of presenting the life and works of Francysk Skaryna, a Belarussian humanist, printer, publisher, and translator of the Bible into the old Belarussian. After years of research, Łojko published a literary profile of Skaryna, created to a large extent by his creative imagination. In an
original way, the researcher connected the views and peculiarities of the style of a literary historian with the freedom of poetic associations and imagery, which influenced the generic and stylistic features
of the novel. In the novel, Łojko’s attention is primarily focused on the way of presenting the internal experiences and thoughts of Francysk Skaryna.

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