The journal is published under the Creative Commons license – Attribution – ShareAlike (CC BY-SA). By submitting an article for review, you agree for it to be made available under this license.
Formal requirements:
1. We only accept papers in electronic form (on a CD or sent via e-mail) – the files must be sent in Microsoft Word [rtf, doc extension]. The papers may also be delivered in person to the Scientific Department of Książnica Podlaska or sent by regular post to the following address: Scientific Department of Książnica Podlaska in Białystok; ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 14A, 15-097 Białystok. You may send your inquiries to:
2. Font: Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5. Margins 2,5 x 2,5 cm.
3. Text length: 8-12 pages (40,000 characters including spaces) for articles and 5-6 pages (12,000 characters including spaces) for reviews and reports. We reserve the right to abbreviate the texts.
4. All quotations in the text must be in quotation marks (no italics). Only quotations longer than one sentence should be indented, using a 10-point font and single line spacing.
5. Titles of books, poems, articles, films, TV and radio broadcasts should be in italics, e.g. Ogniem i mieczem.
6. Titles of journals and magazines should be in quotation marks (no italics), e.g. “Pamiętnik Literacki”.
7. Second-degree quotation marks – chevrons (»«), e.g. „Jak przez całe życie podkreślał: »Warto starać się o to, by pisać coraz lepiej«”.
8. The author’s comments should be in square brackets, indicated with the author’s initials, e.g. W czasie letnich wakacji [w 2015 roku – przyp. R. S.] nastąpiła radykalna zmiana w jego światopoglądzie.
9. When abbreviating the quoted fragment of the text, ellipses in square brackets are used in the place of the abbreviation: […].
10. Foreign words should be in italics, e.g. stricte.
11. When introducing a literary figure or author to the main text for the first time, his or her full name should be provided. This requirement does not apply to footnotes.
12. Please pay attention to the difference between the en dash and the hyphen. The en dash “–” is used as a punctuation mark and in dates and page numbers, e.g. pp. 26–28; in turn, the hyphen “-” is used, for instance, for double surnames, e.g. Rydz-Śmigły.
13. The text must be justified.
14. Footnotes – the Polish system: tamże, tenże, taż, dz. cyt., zob., por. 15. Paragraph indentation is not used in the footnotes. The number of the footnote and its content are separated by a space (no tabs).
16. Numbers and bullets should not be entered manually. The tab "format/bullets and numbering" should be used.
17. Numbers:
When writing dates, full months should be used, e.g. 12 maja 2001 .
Words such as "year, century" denoting time should be written in full, e.g.: w XX wieku, w 1998 roku .
Decades: for example, “w latach czterdziestych doszło do…” (not: “w 40’” or “w 40-stych”) . An abbreviated form is possible, for example, in cases such as: w latach 40. XIX wieku.
Percentage – in words (e.g. pięćdziesiąt procent).
Numbers – in words (e.g. trzydzieści trzy, not: 33). This requirement does not apply when there is a large accumulation of numbers in the text, for example: when reporting statistical calculations, in which case writing the numbers in words would result in a loss of transparency.
18. Hard spaces should not be used in the text. It is also recommended to search the text for double spaces (it is best to use the "find and replace" option, enter two spaces in the find field, replace them with one in the other field, and then search the entire text).
19. Spacing between initials:
If two names of the author are listed, no space between their initials is necessary (for example: Ł.P. Prawdziwy, Zawsze razem. Wspomnienia z czasów szkolnych, [w:] Wspomnienia uczniów szkół z terenu powiatu monieckiego, red. R. Paczkowski, Mońki 1995, s. 12–25.). A space is required between the initials of the name and surname next to the author’s notes ([– przyp. A. E.]).
20. The articles must contain a short abstract (approx. 250 words) in English or Russian and Polish at the end. Those that are written entirely in a language other than Polish, should have a Polish abstract at the end.
21.The author of the article is obliged to send a note with the following information: name and surname, academic degree, research unit, scientific interests, important publications (with bibliographic address), and (if applicable) additional activities (e.g. membership in scientific societies, cooperation with other educational institutions, etc.).
22. Any drawings, photographs, charts, maps etc. in the text should be placed at the end of the text. Their placement should be clearly marked (title and description), and they should be attached as separate files. Any non-standard fonts, characters or symbols should also be attached separately.
Detailed description of the footnote system:
1. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page. Each footnote must end with a full stop.
2. The footnote should include the author's initial and surname, title (also editing and translation, if applicable), place and date of publication, page.
Cz. Miłosz, Traktat poetycki, [w:] tegoż, Poezje wybrane, oprac. Z. Łapiński, Wrocław 2013, s. 112.
3. When citing another work of the same author, whose bibliographic position was mentioned in the previous footnote, the following convention is used – Tenże:
1 Cz. Miłosz, Traktat poetycki, [w:] tegoż, Poezje wybrane, oprac. Z. Łapiński, Wrocław 2013, s. 112.
2 Tenże, Niemoralność sztuki, [w:] tegoż, Życie na wyspach, wybór i oprac. J. Gromek, Kraków 1998, s. 16.
4. in the case of a female author – Taż.
After the preposition [w:], which is placed between the title of a work that is part of another publication (volume, part, chapter, etc.) and the title of the entire work – tegoż /tejże is used:
Cz. Miłosz, Traktat poetycki, [w:] tegoż, Poezje wybrane, oprac. Z. Łapiński, Wrocław 2013, s. 112.
5. Quoting publications by one author:
When citing one work by a given author, any subsequent citations are marked as follows:
If more than one work of a given author is used:
In the case of two subsequent references to the same text – Tamże is used:
1 Cz. Miłosz, Traktat poetycki, [w:] tegoż, Poezje wybrane, oprac. Z. Łapiński, Wrocław 2013, s. 112.
2 Tamże, s. 114.
6. Quoting collective publications:
6 Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, red. R. Nycz, Kraków 1997.
7. Quoting an article from a collective publication:
9 J. Baudrillard, Precesja symulakrów, [w:] Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, red. R. Nycz, Kraków 1997, s. 176
8. Quoting a chapter from a publication of the same author:
1 Cz. Miłosz, Traktat poetycki, [w:] tegoż, Poezje wybrane, oprac. Z. Łapiński, Wrocław 2013, s. 112.
9. Quoting an article from a journal:
3 E. Lévinas, Znaczenie a sens, przeł. S. Cichowicz, „Literatura na Świecie” 1986, nr 11-12 (184-185), s. 258.
The place of publication of the journal is only given if it is popular, e.g.: “Gazeta Polska” (Lwów).
10. In English-language texts, the publishing house of a given publication must be listed.
5 P. Jalland, Death in the Victorian Family, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1996, p. 3.
11. Archives:
19 S. Witkiewicz, [Polsko! Gdzie twoje bohatery dawne…], rkpsy Ossolineum, sygn. 12429/ III, k. 41.
12. Relations:
1 Relacja ustna Jerzego Zdrady z 15 II 1998 r. (nagranie w zbiorach autora).
2 Relacja pisemna Jerzego Zdrady z 15 II 1998 r. w zbiorach autora.
13. Theatre performances:
1 Firanka, reż. R. Krasowski, prapremiera, Teatr Prawdziwy, Strzękocice, 12 lutego 1999.
14. Internet materials – MLA system:
Author/editor. “Title of the printed version of the publication”. Edition (if applicable). Place of publication: publisher, date. Title of the electronic version. Access information. Access protocol (if applicable): Location/Path/File. [Access date]:
Nowak Leszek. „Podręcznik Internauty: podstawowe informacje o sieci”. 1996. 20 November 1999. [Data dostępu].
At the end of the article, a BIBLIOGRAPHY in the form of an annex (LIST OF CITED PUBLICATIONS) should be given in the Latin alphabet and in alphabetical order. NOTE: When citing sources written in a different alphabet (e.g. Cyrillic, Devanagari), transliteration (not phonetic transcription) is required.