An Activist of Two Great Traditions: Skaryna and Ukraine
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Francysk Skaryna
history of printing
Skaryna’s publications

How to Cite

Sobol, W. (2018). An Activist of Two Great Traditions: Skaryna and Ukraine: До 530-річчя від дня народження Франциск Скорини, 1486–1540 (1541–?) та до 500-річчя від виходу його Біблії. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 39(2), 113–124.


Scholarly research into Francysk Skaryna’s legacy has been initiated by J.V. Bacmejster in 1776 and V.S. Sopikow in 1813. Further research conducted in the 20th century by Alexander Bilecki, Pavel Popov, Yaroslav Isayevich, U. Anichenko and contemporary studies of Halyna Kovalchuk, Alexandr Nauvov, Mariola Walczak-Mikolajczak and others, demonstrate how important were Skaryna’s activities on the border of two great traditions. In this context, the problem of “Skaryna and Ukraine” is worth analyzing in all its contexts: biographical, publishing, polygraphic, academic, and bibliographical. Ukrainian episode in Skaryna’s life and his birth town of Połock is related to the cult of Saint Euphrosyne of Połock, who established the first female monastery and is considered a patron of female monasticism of Rus.

The polygraphic context of Skaryna’s activities is tied to Western Europe. Having obtained a doctorate in medicine at the University of Padua, he visited Venice, one of the most prominent printing and publishing
centers (for Slavic, Greek and Hebrew texts), where he also mastered modern printing techniques. While in Prague, Skaryna used two-color printing technique to publish 'The Song of Songs' and to print the title
page of 'Biblia Ruska'. In Vilnius, the two-color printing technique was applied to print five chapters of the Bible and just one title page of the Book of Psalms.
Skaryna’s activities played a major role in the cultural and scientific progress of Ukraine in the 16th century: books that were published in Prague and Vilnius became benchmarks of publishing craft and inspired Ukrainian authors of manuscripts such as Ivan Vyshenskyi, Luka of Tarnopol, Dmytro Zinkov and others. Yaroslav Isayevich proves that Skaryna maintained close contacts with Ukrainian cultural reformers and even attempted to establish a printing house in Western Ukraine. A unique copy of Skaryna’s 'Biblia Ruska' was found in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra book collection (currently in the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg). Some of other Skaryna’s works are kept in a manuscript collection of Lviv Library and hetman Ivan Samoylovych.
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Ìstorìâ ukraїnsʹkoj lìteraturi, Tom drugìj. Davnâ lìteratura (drugaâ polovina XV–XVIII st.). Navukovì redaktori: Vira Sulìma, Mìkola Sulima, vidavnictvo „Navukova dumka”, Kiїv 2014, s. 115.

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List Sergìâ Maslova do Ûrìâ Meženka vìd 27 veresnâ 1932 roku, Ìnstitut rukopisìv Nacìonalʹnoї Bìblìoteki Ukraїni ìm. Vernadsʹkogo, fond 33 (arxiv Sergìâ Maslova), od. zb. 4893.

Popov Pavlo, Vidavec Georgij Skorina, „Drug čitača”, 1965, № 43 (289), s. 3.

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