Religious guides and theological tractates in selected parish libraries of the Diocese of Vilnius on the basis of the deanery visit of the bishop Ignacy Jakub Massalski from years 1782–1784
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Diocese of Vilnius
theological tractate
religious guide
Ignacy Jakub Massalski

How to Cite

Gąsowska, M. (2018). Religious guides and theological tractates in selected parish libraries of the Diocese of Vilnius on the basis of the deanery visit of the bishop Ignacy Jakub Massalski from years 1782–1784. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 38(1), 139–152.


From its founding to the year 1783, the borders of the Diocese of Vilnius had been virtually untouched and it was the diocese with the largest territory in Europe. It’s size had been 226000 square kilometres, almost 8 times the average for a parish in the First Polish Republic. On the 9th of February 1782, the bishop of Vilnius Ignacy Jakub Massalski ordered a thorough inventory of all deaneries in his diocese. Visitations allowed for making reports on condition of the manses, churches, buildings belonging to the parish, hospitals, schools and parish libraries. Records concerning church inspections had been drafted from 1782 to 1784. This article presents the library inventory of selected parishes of the Diocese of Vilnius. Analysed publications, more or less known, have been divided into thematic categories: religious guides and theological tractates. Contents of these collections are invaluable in studying worldview and education of clergy working in a given parish.
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