Edward Lubomirski’s heroic meditations: Background and introduction


19th-century literature

How to Cite

Janicki, J. J. . (2018). Edward Lubomirski’s heroic meditations: Background and introduction. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 38(1), 233–265. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.144


The author has undertaken the difficult task of reconstruction, analysis and interpretation of Graves on the death of Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1821), which was given the subtitle Knightly Prides. It is one of the lesser known works of Edward Lubomirski, a Polish aristocrat, diplomat and poet, who lived between 1796- and 1823. As an editor, and translator of Klingemann’s Faust Lubomirski is considered to be one of the most important precursors of Polish Romanticism.



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