“Like the Sphinx in the desert”. Adam Asnyk reads "the Spirit-King"
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reception of the Spirit-King
Asnyk – Słowacki
philosophy of history
Slavic nations

How to Cite

Marcinkowski, K. (2017). “Like the Sphinx in the desert”. Adam Asnyk reads "the Spirit-King". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 37(4), 139–155. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/162


The author of the article focuses on a sample reading of the I Rhapsody "the Spirit-King" undertaken by Adam Asnyk in the literary study entitled Słowacki’s „Spirit-King”, published in 1879 in the Lviv “Academic and Literary Guide”. In his study, Asnyk insisted on the place Słowacki’s poem should take in the collective consciousness of the nation. For the wider audience of the second half of the 19th-century, however, it was still a work that was enigmatical and unapproachable. Due to its faint social resonance, "the Spirit-King" reminds Asnyk of the “Sphinx in the desert”. In the extensive analysis of the I Rhapsody he thoroughly discussed the idea of the poem, which in Słowacki found its expression in a deep, historiosophical „seeing” of the affairs of the Polish nation. 

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