The cruelty of the spirit in Słowacki’s "The Spirit-King"
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Julius Słowacki
the Spirit-King

How to Cite

Bajko, M. (2017). The cruelty of the spirit in Słowacki’s "The Spirit-King". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 37(4), 157–170. Retrieved from


"The Spirit-King", the last great work of Julius Słowacki (Rhapsody I – pub. 1847; successive rhapsodies – unpublished during his life) are filled with scenes of cruelty, torture and torment, which has not gone unnoticed by the researchers on the poet’s work. This work is „cruel”on many levels, both in content and in its cold, although its plot is full of fire, monotony. Monotony is one of the tones of the spirit: the final goals seem to be more important than the measures that lead to them. Matter, and therefore bodily shell (read: people), it is imperative to destroy, because this leads closer to spiritual perfection. In other words: the Spirit requires sacrifices. In the article the author takes about cruelty in "the Spirit-King", recalling the biographical context andpointing to the tendency of Słowacki’s imagination to evoke images of this type.

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