The motif of solitude in the work of Senegalese writer Ken Bugul as exemplified by three novels: "Le baobab fou", "Cendres et braises", "Mes hommes à moi "
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Ken Bugul

How to Cite

Sacharewicz, E. (2019). The motif of solitude in the work of Senegalese writer Ken Bugul as exemplified by three novels: "Le baobab fou", "Cendres et braises", "Mes hommes à moi ". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 44(3), 321–333.


The aim of this article is to present the theme of loneliness in artistic output of the Senegalese writer, Ken Bugul. An analysis of the situation of three heroines is the main part of this paper. It is preceded by a short introdcution which explains two concepts „solitude” and „loneliness”. The author of this article would like to show how trauma of chilhood can affect the behavior and character of the heroines of the chosen novels.
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