The emancipation of women in literary research in central and eastern Europe. Diagnosis
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Eastern Europe

How to Cite

Janicka, A. (2017). The emancipation of women in literary research in central and eastern Europe. Diagnosis. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 36(3), 107–122. Retrieved from


The subject of the article is the state of research on the idea of emancipation of women in Central and Eastern European countries, especially in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus. The author shows the difference in historical, social and aesthetic determinants that influence the scope and direction of the development of feminist ideas in academic discourse. These studies in Poland run in two ways: in the theoretical horizon (marked by the influence of Western and American thought), and taking into account the social context in which literature and its study is born. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, war has a strong influence on the „national” character of emancipation thinking, while in Belarus it is the political situation and geopolitics, and in Lithuania the question of national minorities and the pressure of the geopolitical clash between the West with Russia. 

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