Zofia Żurakowska – the Hidden Melancholy
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Zofia Żurakowska
the myth of childhood
autobiographical novel

How to Cite

Graban-Pomirska, M. (2016). Zofia Żurakowska – the Hidden Melancholy. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 87–96. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/318


The subject of the text is to analyze the images of the child and childhood in the novels of the Zofia Żurakowska Skarby (Treasures) and Pożegnanie domu (Farewell to home). They are based on the memoirs of the author, born and bred in Wołyń. Themes and topics specific to this type of autobiographical texts create spacetime childhood on the model of the Arcadian. But this myth is not clear and homogeneous, they appear in the idyll of childhood images of states of fear, anxiety and danger. The experience of losing the family home is recorded as a palimpsest, in which the author encrypter poignant personal sense of loss itself. Literary image of a happy childhood also contains traces of melancholy, which the author tried to overcome by writing for children.      

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