Metaphysical Vision Of The World In Mickiewicz’s, Norwid’s And Leśmian’s Poetry
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Kazimierz Świergocki
Adam Mickiewicz
Cyprian Kamil Norwid
Bolesław Leśmian
anthropology of culture

How to Cite

Siedlecki, M. (2016). Metaphysical Vision Of The World In Mickiewicz’s, Norwid’s And Leśmian’s Poetry: [rec. Kazimierz Świegocki, Wizje człowieka i świata w poezji Mickiewicza, Norwida i Leśmiana, Wydawnictwo Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi, Łódź 2013, ss. 344]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 247–255. Retrieved from


In his review of Kazimierz Świegocki’s Visions of the Man and the World in Mickiewicz’s, Norwid’s and Leśmian’s Poetry Siedlecki pays a particular attention to the fact that while the book focuses on the vision of the man and the world in the lyrics of the Polish major poets, it brings to the foreground the common denominator of their oeuvre, which is – to a large extent – metaphysics. Siedlecki assumes that Świegocki’s text – a perceptive and erudite study within the field of literary anthropology – offers a rather one-sided perspective; still, it remains interdisciplinary in its openness to philosophy, cultural or literary studies.  

PDF (Język Polski)


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