Physiology and metaphysics of Lviv in the novel "Jan Prorok" (1892) by Alfred Nossig
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Alfred Nossig
“Jan Prorok”
Polish novel
19th century

How to Cite

Burdziej, B. (2020). Physiology and metaphysics of Lviv in the novel "Jan Prorok" (1892) by Alfred Nossig. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 46(1), 309–329.


The article attempts to interpret the novel Jan Prorok (John the Prophet, 1892) written by Alfred Nossig, which the researcher considers to be one of the first novels about the city of Lviv, comparable to Lalka (The Doll) by Bolesław Prus in its description of Warsaw. Nossing is a hitherto unknown writer, barely noticed during his lifetime by the critics and rather curtly appreciated. Jan Prorok, with its broad ideological and artistic message – here read selectively – appears to be an unprecedented story in the history of our literature, chronologically first and immediately outstanding novel about Lviv. It constitutes the city’s great chronicle, realistic in its writing style, credible and verifiable, documenting communal life with a photographic–like precision.
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