Izabela Branicka’s (1772–1808) library in Bialystok
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Izabela Branicka
The Branicki Palace in Białystok
history of the Branicki family
nineteenth century libraries

How to Cite

Jurkowska, M. (2014). Izabela Branicka’s (1772–1808) library in Bialystok. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 28(1), 58–74. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/442


The author of the article presents a notable representative of the Polish Enlightenment - Izabela Branicka née Poniatowska, who was Polish King Stanisław August Poniatowski’s sister and Great Crown Hemant Jan Klemens Branicki’s wife. What comes into focus in the article is Branicka’s endeavours to create the Palace’s collection in Białystok. The author describes the process of gathering volumes, enumerates types of books included, and identifies their genealogies. Thus, Branicka’s educational project becomes an embodiment of the spirit of the Enlightenment: the Palace’s collection available to readers outside the court, almost like a public library. 

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