Inter-media strategies – the example of humour in Polish and Ukrainian drama at the turn of the 19th century
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Demianova, S. (2014). Inter-media strategies – the example of humour in Polish and Ukrainian drama at the turn of the 19th century. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 28(1), 157–168. Retrieved from


Drawing on several examples, the author presents dramatic text as a kind of meta-cultural narrative. Drama is seen as a phenomenon encompassing literature, theatre and everyday communication process. In her deliberations the author focuses mainly on humour in Ukrainian and Polish dramas at the turn of the 19th century. Puns in drama jokes co-work with anecdotes to form an arch-text, which directs the spectator’s attention to the contexts beyond literature. The analysis of Polish and Ukrainian drama humour is instrumental in establishing the alleged aims that playwrights wanted to achieve: didactic effects, philosophical contexts, intertextual games with the spectator, literary allusions as well as those not connected with literature per se. 

PDF (Українська)


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