The article deals with reflections in literature of the process of mythologizing the image of Odessa. The author understands the myth as a symbolic designation of objects, historical events, objects of the external world, belonging to the space of psychic reality. The purpose of mythologizing as a process is the expression of a generalized idea of something or someone, as well as imbuing events, persons, and objects with a universal sense . The subject of the article is the novel of the modern writers S. Anufriev and Pepperstein “Mythogenic love of castes”. Both writers are organizers of the Medical Hermeneutics group and refer to themselves as younger conceptualists. Such postmodern writers pay special attention to various senses that are traditionally attached to phrases, attitudes, and concepts. In the novel by Anufriev and Pepperstein, the reader is invited into the space of a fabulous, psychic (virtual) and historical reality. The novel refers to the events of the Second World War, it’s hero takes part in key battles with the Nazis. However, fabulous heroes help him to defeat. The reader observes these events as they would be perceived by a participant during the war in the early 1940s and at the same time, by a modern person living at the end of the twentieth century. An image of Odessa is created in the twenty-first chapter of the novel. It names the real historical persons (Badayev, and Yasha Gordienko). These heroes take part in fictional events along with fictional characters. The article considers such historical sites of Odessa: Deribasovskaya street, Opera House, Archaeological Museum, the sea, and sea port. The article contains words that relate to the “Odessa” language and their meanings. Special attention is paid to Odessa songs (folklore and author’s). At the same time, attention is drawn to the lack of historical accuracy in a number of images and details. Odessa in the novel by Anufriev and Pepperstein is both a real city and a city that has turned into myth.
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