Neostoic inspirations in Wacław Potocki’s "Syloret"
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Jurkowska , E. A. (2021). Neostoic inspirations in Wacław Potocki’s "Syloret". Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 52(3), 259–272.


Classified among the short story-romance stream of Wacław Potocki’s works, Syloret occupies an important place in the poet’s epic legacy. Throughout the extensive digressive parts of this work, Lusatia-based writer spins erudite reflections on the nature of the world, the human condition, the essence of human fate, and explicates the thoughts of ancient philosophers (e.g. Seneca). Potocki turns to philosophical theories – above all to Christianised stoicism (neostoicism), which becomes the proper subject of his literary discourse. In the article the author undertakes research on the most important concepts of Stoic ethics (fortune, nature, virtue), to which the poet refers in his romance poem. An attempt is also made to answer the question of the
seventeenth-century author’s use of an extensive characterisation of the principles of this philosophy.
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