Taras Shevchenko and Tadeusz Łada-Zabłocki: Typological Convergences in the Biography and Works of Romantic Poets in the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century
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Taras Shevchenko
Tadeusz Łada-Zabłocki
typological convergence
convergence in biography and work
folk studies
image of a poet

How to Cite

Kharchuk, R. (2023). Taras Shevchenko and Tadeusz Łada-Zabłocki: Typological Convergences in the Biography and Works of Romantic Poets in the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 57(4), 243–257. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.752


According to the author, Tsar Nicholas I’s punishment of Taras Shevchenko and Tadeusz Łada-Zabłocki for their poems with exile to Orenburg and the Caucasus in the rank of privates, respectively, is evidence of the Russian Tsar’s phobia of literature and freedom of thought. The article concludes that in the context of possible familiarity between the fates of the two authors, the typological similarities in their works are not significant. The main concern is the influence of Ukrainian folklore on the imagery in Shevchenko’s poetry, and Ukrainian and Belarusian folklore on the imagery in Łada-Zabłocki’s. Although both poets are Romantics, their poetic self-creation is diametrically opposed. In Łada-Zabłocki’s it is autobiographical imagery, marked by the experience of the defeat of the Polish nation in the struggle for freedom after the November Uprising, while in Shevchenko’s the poet always appears as a defender of the most wronged part of the nation. While the element of Shevchenko’s poetry is not only lyricism but his poetry is characterized by epic breath, Łada-Zabłocki belongs to the group of autobiographical poets.

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