The anthology Starabelaruskaâ lìtaratura XI–XVIII stagoddzâŭ (Bialystok 2004), edited by Halina Tvaranovich, is reviewed in the context of the literary canon and literary
historiography (Literaturgeschichtsschreibung). The article presents a brief overview of the history of the arrangement of collections of texts of ancient Belarusian literature, beginning with the edition of Bronislav Epimach-Szypillo’s Belaruskaâ hrèstamatyâ. Separate considerations are devoted to the chrestomathy edited by Alexander Korshunov (1959), which was a landmark textbook that was simultaneously important
for Belarusian historical-literary research and Belarusian literature didactics. The concept of the Bialystok textbook is compared with the scholarly approaches of Belarusian literary historians of the previous period, starting with Maksim Harecki. The innovativeness of Halina Twaranovich’s approaches in arranging the chrestomathy
was emphasized, as well as the possibility of linking her scientific ideas with the theory of cultural memory, with Pierre Nora’s concept of “place of memory” in particular. The degree of correlation of the materials of this chrestomathy with the concepts of multilingualism (Adam Maldzis) and heterogeneity (Sergey Kovalev) of ancient writing, belonging to the Belarusian cultural space, was examined. The defining feature of Belarusian chrestomathy is considered to be its Belaruso-centricity, its focus on the
anthropological dimension in literature, and its striving to maximally reveal the peculiarities of book culture in the Belarusian lands. The editor demonstrates a hermeneutic focus on the openness of literary narrative, offering not only literal translations of the original text but also creative translational adaptations.
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