The article analyzes the early philosophical and intimate lyrics of Oleg Bembel, which until now have not been the subject of research by literary critics. Oleg Bembel is known as a dissident philosopher, and author of the book Native Language and Moral and Aesthetic Progress (Родная мова і маральна-эстэтычны прагрэс, London, 1985), and also as a poet-monk, author of religious-patriotic and religious-prayer poems under the pseudonym Znich. The early secular lyrics of Oleg Bembel, published in the collective poetry collection Wing (Крыло, Minsk, 1984), are considered in the article: 1) as an important element in reproducing the creative evolution of the famous poet; 2) as an example of the intellectual and philosophical trend in the Belarusian poetry of the 80s. 20th century; 3) as valuable material for studying the relationship between censorship and artistic creation in Soviet Belarus and totalitarian society as a whole. It is difficult to compare the early philosophical and intimate lyrics of Oleg Bembel (Znich) with his dissident and religious poems in “samizdat” and emigration publications, but it can also be considered a manifestation of nonconformism.
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