The author refers to the play Insulted Belarus, staged at the Municipal Theater in Gliwice. The drama, which is the basis for the performance of Andrey Kureichik, is a story about the contemporary situation in Belarus, elections, persecution, and dictatorship. In a subtle and sophisticated way, he shows two narratives: those desiring freedom and the dictator. It uses the experience of political theater and modern multimedia techniques. According to the author, the artistic coherence is broken by the last scene – a direct account of the events. However, in the ideological plan, it is the most important and strongest message. The story of people who
yearn for freedom.
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Źródła internetowe:
Encyklopedia Teatru (online), https://encyklopediateatru.pl/hasla/286/teatr-polityczny [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
https://e-teatr.pl/legnica-niebo-w-gescie-solidarnosci-z-bialorusia-2896 [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Kureichik [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
https://grotowski-institute.pl/projekty/teatr-dokumentalny [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
https://teatr.gliwice.pl/wydarzenie/bialorus-obrazona [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
[dostęp: 20.12.2022].
http://www.friedrichwolf.de [dostęp: 20.12.2022].
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