Grzegorz Marzec’s connections between memory and economy
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memory drama

How to Cite

Ostaszewski, P. (2018). Grzegorz Marzec’s connections between memory and economy : [rev. of Grzegorz Marzec, ‘The Economy of Memory’, Institute of Literary Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Publishing House, Warsaw 2016, ISBN 9788365573070, 288 pp.]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 41(4), 307–312.


Grzegorz Marzec’s book entitled ‘The Economy of Memory’ is an attempt to describe relations between memory and economy. The author follows old and contemporary texts, not limiting his searches to literature only. He is interested with wide memory discourse that takes place in the economic perspective. The author creates the notion of a memory drama, which includes texts being carriers of exceptional impact force. Marzec attributes a notion of memcoins to all attempts aimed at memory monetarisation, i.e. treating it as goods subject to sale.
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Modi memorandi. Leksykon kultury pamięci, red. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, Robert Traba, współprac. Joanna Kalicka, Warszawa 2014.

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