About Zofia Kossak-Shutko’s "The Fire" without reservations: traces of the Polish writer in Volyn
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Zofia Kossak-Shchucka
Volhynian gentry
Ukrainian-Polish borderlands

How to Cite

Yaruchyk, O. (2023). About Zofia Kossak-Shutko’s "The Fire" without reservations: traces of the Polish writer in Volyn. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 59(2), 59–73. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.799


The article analyzes Zofia Kossak-Shchucka’s experiences related to Volhynia, as depicted in her memoir book The Fire. Thematically, the work covers Volhynian events of 1917-1919, including the martyrdom of the local Polish gentry, the February and October Revolutions, the German occupation of Ukraine, the struggle of Poles and Ukrainians against the Bolsheviks, during which the Polish army retreated beyond the Zbruch River, leading to the loss of homeland for the gentry living on the borderlands. Based on the motifs of The Fire by Zofia Kossak-Shchucka, the article presents four narrative lines: the writer’s nostalgia for the borderlands and the idyllic scenes created on this basis in her works; toponymy and the essence of Volhynia, particularly a historical and ethnographic portrayal of the daily life of the parish gentry of the early 20th century using the example of the Kossak family; national identity and coexistence of different nationalities within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after World War I; degradation of personality due to political events.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Olga Yaruchyk


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