„Essay” Polissya of Fedir Odrach
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national identity

How to Cite

Tkachenko, T. (2023). „Essay” Polissya of Fedir Odrach. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 59(2), 117–128. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.802


This article is dedicated to the essay collection „Our Polissya” by Fedir Odrach. The collection explores the region that serves as the author’s native land and focuses on the well-known writer who was compelled to relocate to Canada due to chauvinistic Russification policies.
The author highlights the presence of unreliable facts and an inaccurate portrayal of the region, stemming from manipulated data by occupiers and the Ukrainians’ own complex of inferiority. Therefore, conveying accurate information to both domestic and international audiences is crucial. As a result, this undertaking involves multifaceted research in popular science. The concise book encompasses topics such as geography, history, daily life, attire, handicrafts, primary trade practices, the appearance, and temperament of the local populace.
Fedir Odrach underscores the distinctiveness of Polissya, particularly its abundant water element, which, despite the challenges of haymaking, contributes to its unique character. This includes discussions on the region’s flora, fauna, etymology of names, inclusion of legends, and examples of folk art.
Above all, Polissya retains Ukrainian ethno-identification at a genetic level, primarily evidenced through language. Consequently, it is essential for Ukrainians to acquaint themselves with their compatriots, fostering a sense of pride and the defense of national essence.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tetiana Tkachenko


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