Personalisation strategy in religious communication using the example of Sr Michaela Rak
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religious communication
personalisation strategy
Sr Michaela Rak

How to Cite

Pastwa, R. J. (2023). Personalisation strategy in religious communication using the example of Sr Michaela Rak. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 60(3), 279–296.


The main aim of the article is to analyse the personalisation strategy in religious communication on the example of Sr Michaela Rak. The basic material is the book Men of My Life: About Love, Mercy and Good Help. The article uses the analytical-synthetic method and content analysis. The personalisation strategy on the example of the founder of the hospice in Vilnius, Lithuania, belongs to three distinguished types: institutional, behavioural and media. As a religious leader, she uses media visibility and a strategy of personalisation in communication to manage the only hospice in Vilnius. Directness, transparent information about the activities of the represented institution, financial transparency, the ability to cooperate in a pluralistic society, avoiding trivialisation and instrumentalisation of faith, as well as not omitting difficult topics testify to the high level of awareness of religious communication by Sr Michaela Rak, both in terms of content and form.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rafał Jakub Pastwa


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