The bodily representations of eating disorders in the works “Oto ciało moje” by Aleksandra Pakieła and “Milk Fed” by Melissa Broder
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anorexia in literature
bulimia in literature
neurotic need for love

How to Cite

Stryjakowska, A. (2024). The bodily representations of eating disorders in the works “Oto ciało moje” by Aleksandra Pakieła and “Milk Fed” by Melissa Broder. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 61(4), 113–126.


The article presents a comparative analysis of the literary works Oto ciało moje (This is my body) by Aleksandra Pakieła and Milk Fed by Melissa Broder, focusing on the concept of somatopoetics as conceptualized by Anna Łebkowska. It interprets the somatic representations of the protagonists’ mental crises, which extend beyond typical acts of body disciplining associated with eating disorders. Highlighting the protagonists’ unsatisfied need for physical and emotional closeness to their mothers, a need sublimated through the pleasure derived from the texture and warmth of meals, the article also reflects on the relationship between compulsive eating, a result of prolonged starvation, and increased sexual desire, a theme emphasized in both works. These drives are linked to the heroines’ desires to deepen their connection with their bodies and restore somatopsychic coherence. While Pakieła’s protagonist is on the path to recovery, Broder’s protagonist disturbingly transitions from anorexia to binges, entwined with overwhelming lust. In this context, descriptions of her lover’s body, often likened to food, serve to objectify the other person.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Stryjakowska


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