The article is an attempt to address the issue of evil philosophically and also in terms of theology, which is related to the global coronavirus pandemic that humanity has experienced. It emphasizes the metaphysical nature of understanding this evil, going beyond ethical categories. Difficulties in interpreting this evil as a moral consequence of original sin were pointed out. The issue of the impact of the pandemic on religious life was also raised. Attention was paid to possible attitudes towards the mysterious nature of this type of evil (heroic secular humanizm, Christian theology of suffering).
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Źródła internetowe:
https://biblia.deon.pl [dostęp: 4.09.2023].
https://kalejdoskopkultury.pl/idzie-nowe-w-starych-butach-dyskurs-o-covid [dostęp: 4.09.2023].
https://www.dwutygodnik.com/artykul/9008-koronawirus-i-niekoniecznosc-filozofii.html [dostęp: 4.09.2023].
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