From the history of the genre of literary anti-utopia. On (un)obvious affinities Yevgeny Zamiatin’s “We” and Thea von Harbou’s “Metropolis”
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Yevgeny Zamyatin
Thea von Harbou

How to Cite

Witczak, P. (2024). From the history of the genre of literary anti-utopia. On (un)obvious affinities Yevgeny Zamiatin’s “We” and Thea von Harbou’s “Metropolis”. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 61(4), 323–343.


The main aim of the article was to demonstrate the similarities between Yevgeny Zamyatin’s novel We and Thea von Harbou’s Metropolis. The analysis reveals that these similarities are primarily evident in the depiction of space, plot, and character development. Regarding plot structure, female characters assume leading roles in both narratives. The antinomic pairs of women created by Zamyatin and Harbou surprisingly bring the two analyzed novels closer together. O-90 and Maria represent the archetype of the ideal mother ready for great sacrifices, embodying the power of creation. Conversely, I-330 and the false Maria are femme fatales, embodying the power of destruction. They become catalysts for social tensions. In their portrayal of these heroines, Zamyatin and Harbou draw upon Christian and mythological symbolism, creating distinctive images of the Virgin Mary and Lilith. Crucially, within these strongly masculinized worlds, women are the ones who actively initiate changes in their respective realities.
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