Baśń o duszy. "Olbrzym-samolub" Oscara Wilde’a
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Oscar Wilde
fairy tales
The Selfish Giant

How to Cite

Nosek, A. (2018). Baśń o duszy. "Olbrzym-samolub" Oscara Wilde’a. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 40(3), 223–236.


The problem of the human soul, its duality and proneness to evil is the key issue of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales. The following paper is an attempt to analyze and interpret Oscar Wilde’s 'The Selfish Giant' by using so
called “soul category”. In order to describe the soul Oscar Wilde uses such symbols as the selfish giant, seasons of the year (especially winter and spring), the garden as the symbol of human soul, the child and
childhood and Jesus Christ as an ideal and the symbol of the perfection of the human soul.
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