Ukrainian Popular Literature: New Horizons of Description
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Olijnik, S. (2016). Ukrainian Popular Literature: New Horizons of Description: [rec. Романенко О. Семіосфера української масової літератури: Текст. Читач. Епоха / Олена Романенко. – К.: Приватний видавець Якубець А.В., 2014. – 364 с.]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 32(1), 281–288. Retrieved from


The review focuses on the analysis of the monograph by Olena Romanenko. The rich illustrative material incorporated into this publication is based on the latest research into Ukrainian contemporary literature, its developments and trends, and shows an increasing importance of popular literature in Ukraine. The review contains numerous references to critical literature as well.     

PDF (Język Polski)


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