Poles in Kazakhstan
PDF (Język Polski)


Antoni Kuczyński
Poles in Kazakhstan
Central Asia
Jan di Piano Carpini

How to Cite

Noworolska, B. (2016). Poles in Kazakhstan: [rec. Antoni Kuczyński, Polacy w Kazachstanie. Zesłania – dziedzictwo – nadzieje – powroty, Wydawnictwo „Kubajak”, Krzeszowice 2014, ss. 544]. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 33(2), 219–227. Retrieved from https://bibliotekarzpodlaski.pl/index.php/bp/article/view/326


Barbara Noworolska provides an interpretive reading of the volume Poles in Kazakhstan: Deportations – Legacy – Hopes – Returns (2014), written by Antoni Kuczyński, a renowned researcher into the problem of Polish deportations. Nowrolska is interested in the historical aspects of the “siberiad”, shown through the fates of particular deportees to Kazakhstan. Recognizing Kuczyński’s erudition and scholarly meticulousness, the reviewer emphasizes the emotional load of the volume’s language, which seems an obvious asset for the readers. All in all, the book – so the argument goes – is recommended for all those who are fascinated by the history, geography and exoticism of Asia.            

PDF (Język Polski)


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