Censorship office in Białystok in relation to the intellectual and cultural environment of the region in the years 1944–1959. Reconnaissance study
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Voivodeship Office of Information and Propaganda in Białystok
Białystok Voivodeship
regional intellectual environment

How to Cite

Budrowska, K. (2020). Censorship office in Białystok in relation to the intellectual and cultural environment of the region in the years 1944–1959. Reconnaissance study. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 46(1), 37–54. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.418


The article is based on documents from the Central Archives of Modern Records (the Main Office for the Control of the Press, Publications, and Public Performances team) and the State Archive in Białystok (the Voivodeship Office of Information and Propaganda team and the University of Białystok team). It presents collected information on the formation and work of the Białystok censorship office in the second half
of the 1940s and 1950s, as well as its influence on the intellectual and cultural environment of the region. The article also signals the following issues: war and post-war experiences of the city and the region,
restoration of the scientific, cultural and literary life, the specificity of the censorship reports and the censorship view of the controlled contents.
This study shows that the cultural weakness of the region is reflected in the reports of the voivodeship censorship office. 

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