Dla kogo „Inna” książka? Rola obrazu w książce według studentów Wydziału Sztuki na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim. Przegląd wybranych prac
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artistic narration
works of students of the Faculty of Art at the University of Rzeszow

How to Cite

Steliga, A. (2018). Dla kogo „Inna” książka? Rola obrazu w książce według studentów Wydziału Sztuki na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim. Przegląd wybranych prac. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 40(3), 109–127. https://doi.org/10.36770/bp.88


The illustration can fulfill numerous tasks, whose implementation is important for child’s development. The illustrator must be capable of transforming ideas into image in an original and individual way. The
task of a good illustrator is to design illustrations that reveal additional levels of text interpretation and complete it. Artistic narration is supposed to stimulate imagination, be a partner in the story and provoke
many interpretations. The artistic level of illustration is achieved through the adequacy of used means to the age of a reader and subject of a book, the level of illustration, as well as the care for all elements
of a book. The article presents selected realizations of the "Unusual" book created by students of the Faculty of Art at the University of Rzeszow and analyzes them.

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