Marriage in Aliyevitch’s Chamaile
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How to Cite

Schabieńska, I. (2017). Marriage in Aliyevitch’s Chamaile. Bibliotekarz Podlaski, 37(4), 243–261. Retrieved from


This article aims to analyse the rite of marriage among Polish Tatars on the basis of the description of that rite presented in Aliyevitch’s Chamaile. In the introduction the language characteristics present in the chamaile and in general in tartar literature is presented. The next part of the article is devoted to the description of the monument of Tatar literature: Aliyevitch’s Chamaile: its appearance, structure and a detailed list of contents. The last part contains a description of the marriage and a translated excerpt of Aliyevitch’s Chamaile concerning this rite.

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